Pacific Forest Foundation Grant Application

Grant Eligibility and Application Overview

Nonprofit organizations or forestry-related initiatives seeking a grant of up to $3,000 must complete and submit the following application form. Applications will be reviewed by the Pacific Foundation Executive Board twice a year — July and November. Applicants will be notified afterwards regarding grant approval.


  • Fill out all sections of this application.
  • Attach the required documents listed in the checklist at the end.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered. Write N/A for those questions that don’t apply

Organization Information

Nonprofit Status

If you selected "Other" please specify.

Contact Person

Mission and Purpose

Provide a brief description of your organization’s mission and primary activities (250 words max):

Project Program Information

Please provide a brief (150 words max) description of you project/program.
Geographic Area Served

Project Timeline

Start Date
End Date if Applicable

Goals and Objectives (list at least 2)

Goal 1
Goal 2


Total Project/Program Budget
Amount Requested

Provide one example of a similar project/program your organization has successfully completed (150 max)

Reporting and Accountability

Explain how you will measure the success of this project/program (150 words max)

Are you willing to submit progress and final reports?

Required Attachments

Proof of nonprofit status - if applicable
Letters of recommendation/support (if requested
Any additional documents specified by the grantor


I certify that the information provided in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I agree to comply with the grantor’s terms and conditions if awarded funding.

Authorized Representative Signature
For questions, contact us at 253-777- 8077 or