PLC Convention Registration Form 2024
Note: If you are planning on bringing additional adults to any of the meals, there will be a separate charge per meal. It is normally less expensive to register any additional adults for the conference than to pay separately for meals.
Want to be a PLC member? Join here! (Dues based on number of employees)
Full registration includes Monday welcome reception, 2 buffet breakfasts, 2 days of program sessions, session refreshments, President’s Reception and banquet, plus all PLC President’s suite ‘get-togethers, access to presentations after the conference concludes (those approved by presenters), and a printed list of attendees in welcome bags*

OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES: These are in addition to the registration costs

Golf course TBD. Please indicate whether or not you are interested in playing. If you mark "YES" someone will be reaching out to you when a course is chosen.

Luau Kalamaku - Tuesday, November 5

Enjoy an authentic Kauai lu’au experience. Includes cocktails, luau dinner and breathtaking entertainment. We will depart at 4:30 pm by bus to the private event center.
Children Under 3 are free.

To assist with meal counts, please indicate which meal functions each REGISTERED person will attend:

*Much of the value to attendees of the annual Pacific Logging Congress is the peer networking opportunities. To facilitate communications between our attendees, PLC will provide pre-registered, current dues-paying members a printed list of attendees in their welcome bags. Attendee name/business affiliation/email address will be provided on this list. Your registration constitutes your agreement that the PLC may use your contact information for this purpose. Check the box to have your info and list withheld.